

Ca210sim .h

#ifndef CA210SIM_H
#define CA210SIM_H

#include "CA210.h"

class Ca210sim : public Ca210
    Bullet* m_pIProbe;

//simulation setup dialog item
    SynMode m_syncMode;
    DisPlay m_displayMode;
    DisDigits m_displayDigits;
    AvgMode m_averageMide;
    BrigUnit m_brightnessUnit;
    CalStand m_calStandard;

    CaState m_caState;
    CaState m_caStateTemp;
    CString str;
    CString ImpsbStr;
    void MsgFrmt(CException* , const CString&, const CString&){};
    void MsgFrmt(const CString&){};
    virtual ~Ca210sim();
    const CaState CalZero();
    const CaState Measure();
             void LinkMemory();
    const MsrAiState MsrAI(const float& MsrDeviation = 0.0513);  //any constant value
             void SetOnline(const BOOL& b = TRUE);
    const    BOOL isOnline() const { return m_caState == CA_Offline ? FALSE : TRUE; };
    const CString GetLcmSize();
    const CString GetChData();
    const  Bullet GetMsrData();
//for setup Dialog Value
    const float GetRangeColor1() const;
    const float GetRangeColor2() const;
    const float GetRangeFAM()    const;
             void SetChId(const LPCTSTR &)    {  };
    const CString GetChId()             const {  return "SimCh"; };
    const CString GetChId(const long &) const {  return "SimCh"; };
             void SetChNo(const long &) {  };
    const CString GetChStrNo()          { return "0"; };
    const    long GetChNo() const       { return  0;  };
    const CString GetProb()       const { return "8115678";   };
    const CString GetDeviceType() const { return "SimCA-210"; };
    const CString GetCaVersion()  const { return "Simulator"; };
    const CString GetRefProbe() const;
    const CString GetCalProbe() const;
    const CString GetCalMode()  const;
    const CString GetRefLv() const;
    const CString GetRefSx() const;
    const CString GetRefSy() const;
    //for setup dialog combo box ItemString
    const CString GetSynMode      (const   SynMode&) const;
    const CString GetDisplayMode  (const   DisPlay&) const;
    const CString GetDisplayDigits(const DisDigits&) const;
    const CString GetAvgingMode   (const   AvgMode&) const;
    const CString GetBrigUnit     (const  BrigUnit&) const;
    const CString GetCalStandard  (const  CalStand&) const;
    //Get and Set of CA-SDK 
    void SetSynMode      (const   SynMode&); const float GetSynMode()       const;
    void SetDisplayMode  (const   DisPlay&); const long  GetDisplayMode()   const;
    void SetDisplayDigits(const DisDigits&); const long  GetDisplayDigits() const;
    void SetAvgingMode   (const   AvgMode&); const long  GetAvgingMode()    const;
    void SetBrigUnit     (const  BrigUnit&); const long  GetBrigUnit()      const;
    void SetCalStandard  (const  CalStand&); const long  GetCalStandard()   const;
#ifdef _CA210DEBUG
    const CString getSetupValue() const;
    void debugMessageBox(const CString&) const;
private:  //for setup CA-SDK parameter
    const float chooseSynMode      (const   SynMode&) const;
    const int   chooseDisplayMode  (const   DisPlay&) const;
    const int   chooseDisplayDigits(const DisDigits&) const;
    const int   chooseAvgingMode   (const   AvgMode&) const;
    const int   chooseBrigUnit     (const  BrigUnit&) const;
    const int   chooseCalStandard  (const  CalStand&) const;


Ca210sim .cpp


const CaState Ca210sim::Measure()
    CaState Mode = m_caState;
        // Make Data for m_pIProbe;
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Lv, (rand()%100000)/100.0);    //%3.2f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Sx, (rand()%10000 +1)/10000.0);  //%1.4f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Sy, (rand()%10000 +1)/10000.0);  //%1.4f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_T, rand()%1000);//%3d
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Duv, (rand()%100000)/10000);  //%1.4f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Du, (rand()%100000)/10000.0);  //%1.4f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Dv, (rand()%100000)/10000.0);  //%1.4f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_X, (rand()%100000)/100.0);  //%3.2f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Y, (rand()%100000)/100.0);  //%3.2f
        m_pIProbe->i(VluK_Z, (rand()%100000)/100.0);  //%3.2f
    return Mode;


const MsrAiState Ca210sim::MsrAI(const float& MsrDeviation)
    //第一筆資料暫存空間  //宣告誤差值計算空間
    float XFristValue = 0.0, deltaX = 0.0,
          YFristValue = 0.0, deltaY = 0.0,
          ZFristValue = 0.0, deltaZ = 0.0, deltaAll;
    if (Measure() == CA_MsrMode)
         XFristValue = m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_X);
         YFristValue = m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Y);
         ZFristValue = m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Z);
         deltaX = ((XFristValue-m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_X))>=0) ? XFristValue - m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_X) : m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_X) - XFristValue;
         deltaY = ((YFristValue-m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Y))>=0) ? YFristValue - m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Y) : m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Y) - YFristValue;
         deltaZ = ((ZFristValue-m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Z))>=0) ? ZFristValue - m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Z) : m_pIProbe->oFlt(VluK_Z) - ZFristValue;
        deltaAll = deltaX * deltaY * deltaZ;
        if (deltaAll < MsrDeviation )    return MA_InDeviation;
        else                             return MA_OutDeviation;
        return MA_nonMsr;


